

"Skills Made Visible."

Only The Netherlands - MBO (for now)


study Skills Made Visible

View your “hidden” study skills - with 1 click.

Competencies, Skills, Performances Descriptors, Indicators, ...
Works on all Educational Levels.

StudyCard is powered by Scorecard - SaaS & AI

Vertical, horizontal alignment Accross International, National Qualification, Competence and Skill Based Educational Frameworks.

Primary, Secondary, Middle, High School, Vocational, Bachelor, Master, PhD, In-Company and Beyond.

Study Skills - Stats:

The Netherlands - Vocational Level, Mid / High School, Bachelor .. More coming

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What are the benefits and added value on top of Scorecard "Skill Based" Qualification Framework?



All levels


All levels


Just 3 Clicks


Input = Output


Save 80% Time


Less paperwork




Framework Ready

Thousands of school manuals?

Busy with your curriculum? Lost track of alignment? Want to see your study data? Competencies? Skills? Student Progress? Let us structure, your unstructured school data.

Import -> Analysed -> Aligment

Your school data is now ready to use, powered by Scorecard Qualification Framework with clever use of automation and AI.

Check out our educational solutions

The first one is a robust, though flexible framework that allows you to structure your education.
The second one is to make study skills visible. And the last one helps you with alignment of your curriculum.

How can Scorecard "Skill Based" Qualifcation Framework help you on educational level?

If you would like to know more, please take look at the solutions, for more specific use cases, features and benefits.

Lost in paperwork? Don't know latest version? Revision?

No more Word, Excel or lost versions or revision of your school data and curriculum.

If you are a teacher or a curriculum maker, you probably know, that when you need to organise and create a curriculum it can take a lot of time… let alone all the paperwork, revisioning and keeping track of updates.

It’s not so much, that it will be faulty or so, but from experience, the curriculum team, needs to go back and forth and make that the alignment and – all the content is sound – upon delivery, when the new school year starts.

Our experience. A curriculum is mostly done, just in time. And then when the curriculum is being executed, it some time changes – and who captures these changes? Or new insights? – Right?

Your school data can only be turned into information …. if you have structured your data. Now, we can help on that part. We provide structure, overview and keep track of versions, revisions, … aligned and well.

Ps. You can copy your data in Excel, but – after we helped you 🙂


Study Skills Made Visible

We started with mapping all study skills – within the Netherlands:

  • 177+ institutes
  • 1200+ studies
  • 30.000+ skills
  • Vocational, Bachelor
  • Validated and 100% data integrity
  • Competencies, Skills, Descriptors, Indicators and much more … 
  • The Netherlands
  • More coming …


Show StudyCard with your CV

  • Show what you actually know and have learnt at school
  • 100% Legit and Validated


Give Value Back to Diplomas

Any graduation diploma is built up from:

  • Study Learning Outcomes
  • Profiles
  • Performances
  • Descriptors
  • Indicators
  • Competencies, Skills
  • … and so much more

So, why no give value back to make the “hidden” study skills visible. Thats what StudyCard does.

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Frequently Asked Questions

A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential clients, and help convince the visitor that you are a good fit for them.
A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential clients, and help convince the visitor that you are a good fit for them.
A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential clients, and help convince the visitor that you are a good fit for them.
A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential clients, and help convince the visitor that you are a good fit for them.
A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential clients, and help convince the visitor that you are a good fit for them.
A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential clients, and help convince the visitor that you are a good fit for them.
A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential clients, and help convince the visitor that you are a good fit for them.
A detailed answer to provide information about your business, build trust with potential clients, and help convince the visitor that you are a good fit for them.

Close "Skills Gap" and Align with Workfield and Life Long Learning

"define. align. combine.
Your Curriculum"

Connect skills to competencies, learning outcomes, different levels, taxonomies ….

Track Student Skills & Competency Progression

"make "Hidden" study skills visible"

Track your student skill based progression in realtime and see which skills/competency based outcomes need attention.

Works For All International Studies and Frameworks

"Structure & Streamline your Education"

StudyCard works on all levels of the European Qualification Framework and international studies.

About: Scorecard

Scorecard is an EdTech company based in The Netherlands and the creator of StudyCard.

"It all starts With A Good Fundament" And education is the fundament of everything.

Our Goal

  • Make “hidden” study skills visible. All over the world.
  • Structure education, whilst we are at it.

Our mission is to help automate and facilitate the educational institutes. Not stating that you should kick out teachers, no – our mission is to automate what can be done. So, teachers can do what they do best. Teach and educate.

Our Vision

  • Actual “human” skills are getting more important.

One of our spearheads is that skills are getting more and more important. But, what if we told you that skills are already ‘hidden’ in your curriculum. Why not show them? Give diploma back it’s value. You – as educational professional know, that skills. competencies and much more are being assessed and validated throughout the curriculum course. We help you cut through the stack of paper and cut through the fluff, by automating what can be automated – to save you time, money and still keep the your course and education data validated and in sync what ought to be taught.

Our Mission ...

  • Make “hidden” skills visible, on all levels of education.

Our plan is pretty simple. First we spent a lot of time looking at what the key overlap is in educational systems.

Then we created a platform “Scorecard Qualification Framework” – that is our fundament, and then we are off to create the actual products, “teacher tools”,  that save time, money and speed up education processes, such as curriculum creation, visualise skills, monitor student progression and more … 

Student? Teacher? Education? Workfield?

Currently we have all 100% study skills mapped of The Netherlands, but we can do the same for you.

Get in touch

On which I/EQF-levels do you provide your studies?
Please select the education levels that your school provides:
Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

ps. Your school data is now ready to use, powered by Scorecard Qualification Framework with clever use of automation and AI.

Based on international and national Educational qualification frameworks around the world.